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Nurturing Music and Performing Arts at BSB

Celebrating creativity and inspiring confidence in Primary students

BSB is a values driven community of learners recognised as living and breathing our Guiding Statements. Our aim is to develop confident, caring, and courageous students which show great resilience in every aspect of their lives as they strive to be the best that they can be. These values are on display every single day at BSB, but few aspects exemplify these qualities as strongly and inspiringly as our Performing Arts programme, and they are especially evident in the productions put on by our Early Learning students and those in Primary.

Inspiring creativity and building confidence

Every child is expected to take part in all our productions during the school year, and while there is an expectation and entitlement regarding involvement, students do have the right to opt out. However, no one ever does. Our students, from aged 4 to 11, fully commit to being part of our creative community and bring their joy, commitment, and enthusiasm to every production. We involve our students in every aspect of the process, from discussing the material in their classes or helping to develop it if it is an original piece, to designing the costumes and scenery. This way, everyone has an investment in the production, everyone has ownership, and everyone can take pride that they all worked together to create something wonderful.

The main reason behind our expectations regarding involvement is our goal to foster confidence and courage in all our students. From an early age, our students are singing, dancing, and reciting in front of their peers, their teachers, and parents – and often from the stage of our purpose-built, on campus 240-seat Brel Theatre. Without exception, our students rise to these challenges, and dig deep to project and command spaces that would be intimidating to most adults.

Music and performing arts resonate at the heart of the educational experience at the Primary School at BSB. Far beyond mere extracurricular pastimes, these disciplines are integral components of our curriculum, fostering creativity, expression, and a deep appreciation for the arts in our students’ lives.

Introduction to the multifaceted dimensions of music

In addition to performances, many of our Primary students have their first experiences of playing instruments in our specialist lessons which serve as dynamic platforms where the children embark on journeys of discovery, exploring the multifaceted dimensions of music. Guided by experienced instructors, students are introduced to the fundamental elements of music theory while simultaneously immersing themselves in practical applications from an early age.

Throughout their Primary years, our students engage with a diverse array of musical instruments, including their own vocal cords. This hands-on approach not only cultivates technical proficiency but also encourages students to develop a personal connection with music, harnessing its power as a medium for self-expression.

Central to our ethos is the cultivation of improvisational and performance skills. Through structured exercises and collaborative activities, students learn to think on their feet, creatively responding to musical prompts and cues. These improvisatory skills not only enhance musical fluency but also foster adaptability and spontaneity, qualities that are invaluable in all facets of life.

Additionally, regular singing assemblies serving as lively showcases for our students’ burgeoning talents. These assemblies not only provide opportunities for students to showcase their vocal prowess but also instil a sense of camaraderie and belonging within our school community.

Providing everyone with the opportunity to shine

Beyond the structured curriculum, BSB Primary School offers a plethora of extracurricular activities, providing students with ample opportunities to further explore their musical passions. From choir ensembles to instrumental clubs, our extracurricular offerings cater to a wide range of musical interests and abilities, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to shine.

In essence, music and performing arts serve as catalysts for holistic development at BSB Primary School. Beyond the notes on a page and the movements on a stage, these disciplines empower our students to unlock their creative potential, fostering a lifelong love affair with the arts. Through a combination of structured instruction, immersive experiences, and ample opportunities for self-expression, we aim to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are not only proficient musicians but also compassionate, empathetic citizens of the world.

Read more about The Arts at BSB

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