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A holistic approach to Physical Education

Lifelong habits for wellness and success

Physical Education (PE) forms an integral part of the educational journey at our Primary School. Our dedicated PE team collaborates closely with class teachers to tailor activities that align with the developmental stages of our students. From honing gross motor skills to fostering upper body strength and balance, our program is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation for physical literacy, essential for overall well-being and academic success.

Laying the groundwork for cognitive development

In the Early Years and Lower Primary, our focus lies in nurturing fundamental physical skills that serve as building blocks for future athletic endeavours. Through age-appropriate activities and games, we facilitate the development of gross motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness. These skills not only contribute to physical fitness but also lay the groundwork for cognitive development.

Furthermore, we recognise the importance of upper body strength in tasks beyond the realm of PE. As children enhance their strength and dexterity through structured exercises and play, they are better equipped to excel in activities such as writing, drawing, and manipulating objects, fostering holistic development across academic and physical domains.

As students progress through our programme, they are gradually introduced to a diverse range of sports and activities, allowing them to explore their interests and talents. From soccer to swimming, basketball to gymnastics, our curriculum encompasses a spectrum of disciplines to cater to varied preferences and abilities.

Swimming, in particular, holds a prominent place in our PE curriculum. Not only does it instil water safety skills, but it also promotes cardiovascular health, muscular endurance, and overall aquatic competency. Through structured lessons and supervised practice, students gain confidence in the water while honing essential swimming techniques.

Teamwork, sportsmanship, and resilience

While the acquisition of physical skills is paramount, our PE program extends beyond mere athleticism. We emphasise the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and resilience, instilling in our students the importance of collaboration, fair play, and perseverance. Through group activities and team sports, students learn to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and support one another, fostering social-emotional development alongside physical prowess.

Moreover, our PE curriculum integrates elements of health education, equipping students with the knowledge and habits necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Topics such as nutrition, hygiene, and the importance of regular exercise are woven into our lessons, empowering students to make informed choices regarding their well-being.

At our Primary School, physical education is not just about moving bodies; it’s about nurturing minds, bodies, and spirits. By fostering fundamental skills, introducing a variety of sports and activities, and instilling values of teamwork and health consciousness, we strive to empower our students to lead active, fulfilling lives both within and beyond the school gates. Through our holistic approach to physical education, we lay the foundation for lifelong habits of wellness and success.

Read more about BSB’s highly successful sports philosophy

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