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Partner With Us

Make a meaningful contribution, no matter where you are.

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David Paul (BSB 1994-1999)
Engineering Consultant, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

Maisie Tripp (BSB 1999-2011)
EFL Teacher, New College Group

Kirsty Hill (BSB 1994-1999)
Materials Science Team Leader, GSK Global

Become a Professional Partner

BSB Futures aims to bridge the gap between students’ studies and their future professional endeavours, equipping them with the foundational skills and attitudes needed to succeed wherever life takes them.

We believe that alumni are able to make a particularly powerful impact on students’ professional development, providing contemporary insights into the world of work that remain relevant to the BSB student experience.

The possibilities are limitless, but opportunities to engage might look like any of the following:

  • Discussing your career path and sharing advice with a small group of students
  • Giving a lesson-based talk or demonstration in the classroom
  • Leading a skill-building workshop (networking, public speaking, teambuilding, leadership, interviewing, CV-writing, managing LinkedIn and other professional profiles, etc.)
  • Sharing universal career insights with a large assembly
  • Sharing summer job/internship opportunities at your organisation
  • Giving Primary students a fun introduction to your field
  • Discussing your recent transition into university life

To request more information, share ideas, or volunteer as a professional partner, please contact Joanne Craig

Become an Alumni Ambassador

With alumni leading busy lives all over the world, it is not always possible for us to come together at BSB…but we still want to share the love!

If you are interested in organising an alumni reunion or other gathering in your area or online, please reach out to us

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